Born August 23, 1957 in Paris, France
Courriel :
Hand and upper extremity surgeon
– Orthopaedic surgeon (1991)
– Microsurgery certification
– Associated member of Académie de Chirurgie (2011)
– Chairman of the Scientific committee of the FESSH (2014)
– Editor-in-chief of the journal Chirurgie de la Main (2007- 2012)
– President of the FEderation des Services d’Urgences Mains (2011-2014 ),
– Vice-president (2008-2010) and past-secretary general (2001-2007)
– Chairman of the Hand Trauma Committee (HTC) of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH). (2005-2011)
– Chairman of the Instructional Course of the FESSH meeting (2010)
– President of the Group for Advancement for Microsurgery (2010)
– Founder and President of the Réseau Prévention MainIle de France (2003-2014)
Member of Hand surgery societies
-French Society for Surgery of the Hand (SFCM)
-Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH)
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand » (ASSH)
– British Society for Surgery of the Hand” (BSSH)
– French Society for Orthopedic and Traumatology surgery (SOFCOT)
– French Society for Arthroscopy (SFA)
– European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society”( ERASS)
– Group for advancement for microsurgery (GAM)
– French Society for sport traumatology
– Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris (1981) 82 ème.
– Diplôme Universitaire de Médecine et Santé Tropicales. (1983).
– Diplôme Universitaire de techniques micro-chirurgicales (1986).
– Doctorat en Médecine (1986).
– Chef de Clinique – Assistant. 1989.1990. 1991. Service de chirurgie de la main et du membre supérieur
Hôpital Bichat – Paris.
1981 Grant of the Societies of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Europeen Commun Market(COCOMAC).
1982 Grant of the” Société Française de Chirurgie de la Main” for a one month travel to USA (Mayo Clinic & Boston)
– [Epidemiology and socio-economic aspects of handinjuries].
Dubert T.
Rev Prat. 2013 Nov;63(9):1229-32
– Answer to Dr Freshwater’s letter to editor.
Fontaine C, Dubert T, Liverneaux P.
Chir Main. 2013 Dec;32(6):357-62
– The French initiated FESUM – historical development, experience and perspectives.
Dubert T, Merle M.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2013 Dec;45(6):323-5
– [Scaphotriquetral capsulodesis for scapholunate instability].
Maillot-Roy S, Goubier JN, Dinh A, Teboul F, Dubert T, Osman N.
Chir Main. 2011 Sep;30(4):276-81
– A new committee dedicated to understanding and helping hand trauma management in Europe: The FESSH Hand Trauma Committee.
Dubert T, Battiston B, Baeten Y, Böttcher R, Rosberg HE, Vögelin E; Hand Trauma
Committee of FESSH.
J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2010 May;35(4):330-3
– Digital pulley enlargement allowing early activemotion following primary repair of flexortendons.
Dubert T, Khalifa H.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2009 Dec;13(4):197-8
– “Stabilized arthroplasty” for old fracture dislocations of the fifth carpometacarpal joint.
Dubert TP, Khalifa H.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2009 Sep;13(3):134-6
– [Results of primary repair of injuries to the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist].
Kilinc A, Ben Slama S, Dubert T, Dinh A, Osman N, Valenti P Chir Main. 2009 Apr;28(2):87-92
– Your point of view and the development of our journal].
Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2008 Dec;27(6):253
– [Patient information in carpal tunnel release].
Goubier JN, Teboul F, Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2006 Dec;25(6):286-92
– [Schwannomas of the peripheral nerve in the hand
and the upper limb: Analysis of 14 cases].
Akambi Sanoussi K, Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2006 Sep;25(3-4):131-5
– Long-term review of five leg replantations: emergency strategy and examples of lengthening of the leg on nerve regeneration.
Salon A, Liverneaux PA, Dubert T, Bleton R, Alnot J Y.
Injury. 2006 Sep;37(9):869-76.
[Sifting through the results, a proposal for a new concept of outcome measurement. In connection with a series of 72 carpal tunnel endoscopic releases].
Dubert T, Kamoun L.
Chir Main. 2005 Dec;24(6):305-9
Optimization of flexor tenolysis using a suture.
Dubert T , Favalli P.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2005 Dec;9(4):211-4.
[Skin graft and cross finger flap for salvage reconstruction of ring finger avulsion].
Sica A,
Dubert T
Chir Main. 2005 Oct;24(5):246-50. French.
Extensor tendon impingement in a gymnast.
Wilson SM,
Dubert T, Rozenblat M.J Hand Surg Br. 2006 Feb;31(1):66-7. Epub 2005 Oct25.A reliable technique for avoiding the median nerve
during carpal tunnel injections.
Dubert T, Racasan O.
Joint Bone Spine. 2006 Jan;73(1):77-9
[A new cause for iatrogenic lesion of the ulnar nerve at the arm: contraceptive hormonalimplant. Report of two cases].
Osman N, Dinh A,
Dubert T, Goubier JN.
Chir Main. 2005 Jun-Aug;24(3-4):181-3
The safest location for steroid injection in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Racasan O,
Dubert T
J Hand Surg Br. 2005 Aug;30(4):412-4.
[Acute PIP joint fractures].
Dubert T
Chir Main. 2005 Feb;24(1):1-16
– Treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome by frontal partial medial epicondylectomy. A
retrospective series of 55 cases.
M Popa, TH Dubert J Hand Surg Br. 2004 Dec;29(6):563-7.
– Salvage of the nail in distal finger amputation
C Dumontier, T Dubert
Techniques in Hand Upper Extremity Surgery. June 2002, 6 (2), 73-85
– [Eight days of hand emergencies. Report of the audit carried out at the FESUM centers from June 3 to June 9, 2002].
Dubert T
, Allieu Y, Bellemère P, E gloff D, Nonnenmacher J,Baudet J, Haloua JP, Masmejean E, Marin-Braun F, Poirier P, Sassoon D.
Chir Main. 2003 Oct;22(5):225-32
– [Patient-rated wrist questionnaire: preliminary report on a proposed French version of a North American questionnaire designed to assess wrist pain and function].
Voche P,
Dubert T, Laffargue C, Gosp-Server A.
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2003 Sep;89(5):443-8
– [Current techniques for primary flexor tendon rep
air]. Techniques actuelles de suture primitive des tendons fléchisseurs.(in french)
Th Dubert
Chir Main.. 2002, 21(4) : 218-24
– [The DASH questionnaire. French translation of atrans-cultural adaptation] (in french)
Th Dubert , P Voche, C Dumontier ,A Dinh .
Chir Main. 2001 Aug;20(4):294-302.
– [The VB system: a new modular osteosynthesis material involving both screws and wires]
Le système VB : un nouveau matériel d’ostéosynthèsemodulaire à la fois vis et broche.(infrench)
Th Dubert, P Valenti, A Dinh, N Osman Chir Main., 2002;21 (1): 23-7
– [Imaging of the wrist and of the hand: what is the best modality?] Imagerie du poignet et dela main : quel examen choisir?.
F Zeitoun, Th Dubert, B Frot, JD Laredo
J Radiol 2001 ; 82 : 335-51
– Closed traumatic rupture of the flexor pulleys of a long finger associated with avulsion of the
flexor digitorum superficialis.
G Vandeputte, Th Dubert
J Hand Surg [Br]. 2001 Jun;26(3):266-8
– An experimental study of ring avulsion injuries a
nd two preventive devices
Th. Dubert, A.Diop, P.Voeltzel .
J Hand Surg [Br]. 2000 Oct;25(5):418-21.
– [Partial replantation following proximal limb injury]Réimplantations partielles aprèstraumatisme proximal des membres.(in french)
Th Dubert., SA Malikov, A Dinh, DD Kupatadze, Ch O
berlin, JY Alnot, BB Nabokov.
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2000 Nov;86(7):665-74.
[Classification of finger deformities due to muscle-tendon imbalance]
Classification des déformations des doigts longs liées à un déséquilibre musculo-tendineux.(infrench)
R. Tubiana, Th. Dubert.
Chirurgie de la Main , 2000 ; 1 : 7-14.
– [Lower limb stump reconstruction with a functional calcaneo-plantar unit free flap. A series of 16 cases] Reconstruction de moignon de membre in férieur par transfert libre de l’unité fonctionnelle calcanéo-plantaire. A propos d’une sé
rie de 16 cas.(in french)
S Malikov, Th Dubert, D Koupatadze, V Nabokov, R Po
losov.Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 1999 Apr;44(2):163-74
– A new coding principle : The Handicode system.
Th Dubert, M.Lavner,
La Main, 1998,3, 83-92
– [-Arthrography and computed tomography arthrography of the wrist-.]
F Zeitoun , Ch Dumontier , Th Dubert , E Lenoble ,
JM Frajman , B Frot B, P Sterin , JM Tubiana
Ann Radiol (Paris) 1997; 40(2):78-91
– Very distal finger amputations : Replantation or”reposition-flap” repair .
Th.Dubert , Ph.Valenti , A.Dinh.
Journal of Hand Surgery ( British and European Volume) , 1997, 22B : 3 : 353-358
– [Results of an audit about the coding technics in
side the french community of hand surgeons] Résultat de l’enquête sur les techniquesde codage dans les centres français dechirurgie de la main.
Th.Dubert , Cheveigné.
La Main , 1996 , 1 : 191-195
– Complications of flexor tendon repair in the hand
: MR Imaging Assessment.
J.L.Drapé , Silbermann-Hoffman , P.Houvet , Th.Dubert , A.Thivet , Z.Benmelha , B.Frot ,
J.Y.Alnot , R.Benacerraf Radiology 1996 ; 198 : 219-224
– Rupture of the extensor mechanism associated with a closed phalangeal fracture .
Th. Dubert .
J. Hand Surgery (B) . 1995 , 20 B: 6:806-808
– Stabilized arthroplasty of the 5th metacarpal bone. A therapeutic proposal for the treatment of old fractures luxations of the 5th metacarpal bone(in french)
Th. Dubert .
Ann. Chir. Main (Ann Hand Surg ) , 1994 , 13 , N°5
, 363-365
– Acute trauma of the Extensor Hood of the Metacarpophalangeal joint : MR Imaging Evaluation.
J.L. Drapé – Th. Dubert – O. Silbermann – Ph. Thelen – A. Thivet – R. Benacerraf.
Radiology , 1994 ; 192 , 469-476.
– Epiphysio-diaphyseal unicondylar reduction osteotomy for the treatment of clinodactyly dueto proximal interphalangeal joint malunion(in french)
JY Alnot, Th Dubert
Ann Chir Mains Memb super (1993) 12 (3) : 165-72
– Free-flap coverage technique with double vascularbypassin the lower limb(in french)
A.C. Masquelet, Ph. Valenti, M.D.Destable, C.Moreau, A.Lamour, Th.Dubert.
Chirurgie (Mémoires de l’Académie), 1991, 117 (2)181-185.
– Partial replantation after traumatic proximal amputation. One case report of a one stagereconstruction with free osteo-cutaneous transfer from amputated limb.
Th.Dubert, C. Oberlin, J.Y.Alnot.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 1993 Mar;91(3):537-40.
– An unusual dislocation of the elbow: convergent dislocation(in french)
Th.Dubert, T Benkalfate. E.Enkaoua.
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique,1991, 77 (6) 435-437.
– Anatomy of the articular nerves of the wrist. Implications for wrist denervation techniques(in french).
Th.Dubert, C.Oberlin, J.Y.Alnot.
Annales de chirurgie de la main et du membre supérieur. 1990, Vol IX, N_1, 15-21.
– Skin expansion prostheses and their application outside of breast repair. Report of a series offifty four cases(in french).
Baux S, Mimoun M, Kirsch JM, Dubert Th, Zumer L.
Annales de chirurgie Plastique .1988- Vol. XXXIII,N_2, pp.159-162.- The contribution of expanding cutaneous prosthese
s to the production of hair-covered flaps .Application to the Dufourmentel flap(in french)
Mimoun M, Baux S, Kirsch J.M, Zumer L, Dubert Th.
Annales de chirurgie Plastique et Esthétiques . 198
7. Vol. XXXII, N°4, 386-389
Plaies de la main
T Dubert – E Masmejean
Cahiers d’Enseignement de la SOFCOT
Elsevier Ed, Paris 2006
Primary care of Complex injuries of the Hand and Wrist
FESSH Instructional course
T Dubert
Konstantaras Ed 2010