New nerve repair techniques are available. Neurotubes are more and more used, but there is still a lot to know about their indications and results.Continue Reading →
My clinical research is focused on:
- Effect of neurotubes in digital nerve repair
- Outcome of intraneural tumor resection
– Evaluation of sensory recovery after using collagen nerve regeneration tube Revolnerv® for traumatic nerve defects of the hand- Retrospective study of 25 cases with a mean follow-up of 20 months
Dahmam A., Falcone M.O., Zemirline A., Delaroche C., Teboul F., Goubier JN., Osman N., Dubert, T. Dinh A.
48h Congress of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand, Paris, Decembre 19-21st , 2013
– Schwannomas of the peripheral nerve in the hand and the upper limb: Analysis of 14 cases
Akambi Sanoussi K, Dubert T
Chir Main. 2006 Sep;25(3-4):131-5. French.
– A new cause for iatrogenic lesion of the ulnar nerve at the arm ; contraceptive hormonal implant. Report of two casesOsman N, Dinh A, Dubert T, Goubier JNChir Main, 2005 Jung-Aug ; 24 (3-4) : 181-3