Principales Publications du Dr T Dubert

Ulnar-sided carpometacarpal fractures and fractures-dislocations. A systematic review and publication guidelines. Chaves C, Dubert T.Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2020 Dec;106(8):1637-1643. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2020.03.039. Epub 2020 Oct 21.PMID: 33097451 Review.

Impact of Patient-Surgeon Relationship on Patient’s Return to Work. Dubert T, Girault C, Rozenblat M, Dorey J, Dubert-Khalifa H, Katz G.J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2019 Aug 7;101(15):1366-1374. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.18.01049.

– A literature review. Congrès européen de chirurgie de la main. Rotterdam , 18 juin 2021. Girault C , Chaves C , Dubert T. What benefits can be expected from the improvement of surgeon-patient relationships?

-Development of an instrument evaluating the impact of surgeon-patient relationship in patients on sick leave.  Dubert T, Girault C, Kilink A, Rozenblat M, Lebellec Y, Vataire AL, Milasco, Katz G. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy . Volume 5, 2017 – Issue 1

-Duration of sick leave after surgical repair of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint with K-wire immobilization: Prospective case series of 21 patients.
Picard F, Khalifa H, Dubert T.Hand Surg Rehabil. 2016 Apr;35(2):122-6.

– Use of the entire flexor carpi radialis tendon for basal thumb ligament reconstruction interposition arthroplasty. Werthel JD, Dubert T. Hand Surg Rehabil. 2016 Apr;35(2):107-13.

– Application of WHO recommendations in outcome assessment of clinical series published in hand surgery journals with five years interval. Alarab H, Dubert T. Chir Main. 2015 Feb;34(1):27-31.

– Evaluation des résultats en chirurgie de la main et du membre supérieur
Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2014 Sep;33(4):235-46.

– [Epidemiology and socio-economic aspects of handinjuries].
Dubert T.
Rev Prat. 2013 Nov;63(9):1229-32

– Answer to Dr Freshwater’s letter to editor.
Fontaine C, Dubert T, Liverneaux P.
Chir Main. 2013 Dec;32(6):357-62

– The French initiated FESUM – historical development, experience and perspectives.
Dubert T, Merle M.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2013 Dec;45(6):323-5

– [Scaphotriquetral capsulodesis for scapholunate instability].
Maillot-Roy S, Goubier JN, Dinh A, Teboul F, Dubert T, Osman N.
Chir Main. 2011 Sep;30(4):276-81

– A new committee dedicated to understanding and helping hand trauma management in Europe: The FESSH Hand Trauma Committee.
Dubert T, Battiston B, Baeten Y, Böttcher R, Rosberg HE, Vögelin E; Hand Trauma Committee of FESSH.
J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2010 May;35(4):330-3

– Digital pulley enlargement allowing early activemotion following primary repair of flexortendons.
Dubert T, Khalifa H.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2009 Dec;13(4):197-8

– “Stabilized arthroplasty” for old fracture dislocations of the fifth carpometacarpal joint.
Dubert T, Khalifa H.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2009 Sep;13(3):134-6

– [Results of primary repair of injuries to the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist].
Kilinc A, Ben Slama S, Dubert T, Dinh A, Osman N, Valenti P Chir Main. 2009 Apr;28(2):87-92

– Your point of view and the development of our journal].
Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2008 Dec;27(6):253

– [Patient information in carpal tunnel release].
Goubier JN, Teboul F, Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2006 Dec;25(6):286-92

– [Schwannomas of the peripheral nerve in the hand
and the upper limb: Analysis of 14 cases].
Akambi Sanoussi K, Dubert T.
Chir Main. 2006 Sep;25(3-4):131-5

– Long-term review of five leg replantations: emergency strategy and examples of lengthening of the leg on nerve regeneration.
Salon A, Liverneaux PA, Dubert T, Bleton R, Alnot J Y.
Injury. 2006 Sep;37(9):869-76.

– [Sifting through the results, a proposal for a new concept of outcome measurement. In connection with a series of 72 carpal tunnel endoscopic releases].
Dubert T, Kamoun L.
Chir Main. 2005 Dec;24(6):305-9

– Optimization of flexor tenolysis using a suture.
Dubert T , Favalli P.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2005 Dec;9(4):211-4

– [Skin graft and cross finger flap for salvage reconstruction of ring finger avulsion].
Sica A, Dubert T
Chir Main. 2005 Oct;24(5):246-50. French.

– Extensor tendon impingement in a gymnast.
Wilson SM, Dubert T, Rozenblat M.J Hand Surg Br. 2006 Feb;31(1):66-7

– A reliable technique for avoiding the median nerve
during carpal tunnel injections.
Dubert T, Racasan O.

Joint Bone Spine. 2006 Jan;73(1):77-9

– [A new cause for iatrogenic lesion of the ulnar nerve at the arm: contraceptive hormonalimplant. Report of two cases].
Osman N, Dinh A, Dubert T, Goubier JN.
Chir Main. 2005 Jun-Aug;24(3-4):181-3

– The safest location for steroid injection in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Racasan O,Dubert T
J Hand Surg Br. 2005 Aug;30(4):412-4

– [Acute PIP joint fractures].
Dubert T
Chir Main. 2005 Feb;24(1):1-16

 – Treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome by frontal partial medial epicondylectomy. A retrospective series of 55 cases.
Popa M,  Dubert T
J Hand Surg Br. 2004 Dec;29(6):563-7.

– Salvage of the nail in distal finger amputation
C Dumontier,  Dubert T
Techniques in Hand Upper Extremity Surgery. June 2002, 6 (2), 73-85

– [Eight days of hand emergencies. Report of the audit carried out at the FESUM centers from June 3 to June 9, 2002].
Dubert T, Allieu Y, Bellemère P, E gloff D, Nonnenmacher J,Baudet J, Haloua JP, Masmejean E, Marin-Braun F, Poirier P, Sassoon D.
Chir Main. 2003 Oct;22(5):225-32

– [Patient-rated wrist questionnaire: preliminary report on a proposed French version of a North American questionnaire designed to assess wrist pain and function].
Voche P, Dubert T, Laffargue C, Gosp-Server A.
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2003 Sep;89(5):443-8

– [Current techniques for primary flexor tendon rep
air]. Techniques actuelles de suture primitive des tendons fléchisseurs.(in french)
Dubert T
Chir Main.. 2002, 21(4) : 218-24

– [The DASH questionnaire. French translation of a trans-cultural adaptation] (in french)
Dubert  T, P Voche, C Dumontier , A Dinh .
Chir Main. 2001 Aug;20(4):294-302.

– [The VB system: a new modular osteosynthesis material involving both screws and wires]
Le système VB : un nouveau matériel d’ostéosynthèsemodulaire à la fois vis et broche.(infrench)
Dubert T, P Valenti, A Dinh, N Osman
Chir Main., 2002;21 (1): 23-7

– [Imaging of the wrist and of the hand: what is the best modality?] Imagerie du poignet et dela main : quel examen choisir?.
F Zeitoun, Dubert T, B Frot, JD Laredo
J Radiol 2001 ; 82 : 335-51

– Closed traumatic rupture of the flexor pulleys of a long finger associated with avulsion of the flexor digitorum superficialis.
Vandeputte G, Dubert T
J Hand Surg [Br]. 2001 Jun;26(3):266-8

– An experimental study of ring avulsion injuries and two preventive devices
Dubert T, A.Diop, P.Voeltzel .
J Hand Surg [Br]. 2000 Oct;25(5):418-21.

– [Partial replantation following proximal limb injury]Réimplantations partielles aprèstraumatisme proximal des membres.(in french)
Dubert T, SA Malikov, A Dinh, DD Kupatadze, Ch Oberlin, JY Alnot, BB Nabokov.
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2000 Nov;86(7):665-74

– [Classification of finger deformities due to muscle-tendon imbalance]
Classification des déformations des doigts longs liées à un déséquilibre musculo-tendineux.(in french)
Tubiana R, Dubert T
Chirurgie de la Main , 2000 ; 1 : 7-14

– [Lower limb stump reconstruction with a functional calcaneo-plantar unit free flap. A series of 16 cases] Reconstruction de moignon de membre in férieur par transfert libre de l’unité fonctionnelle calcanéo-plantaire. A propos d’une série de 16 cas.(in french)
Dubert T, S Malikov, , D Koupatadze, V Nabokov, R Polosov.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 1999 Apr;44(2):163-74

– A new coding principle : The Handicode system.
Dubert T, M.Lavner,
La Main, 1998,3, 83-92

– [-Arthrography and computed tomography arthrography of the wrist-.]
F Zeitoun , Ch Dumontier , Dubert T, E Lenoble , JM Frajman , B Frot B, P Sterin , JM Tubiana
Ann Radiol (Paris) 1997; 40(2):78-91

– Very distal finger amputations : Replantation or”reposition-flap” repair .
Dubert T, Ph.Valenti , A.Dinh.
Journal of Hand Surgery ( British and European Volume) , 1997, 22B : 3 : 353-358

– [Results of an audit about the coding technics in
side the french community of hand surgeons] Résultat de l’enquête sur les techniquesde codage dans les centres français dechirurgie de la main.
Dubert T, Cheveigné.
La Main , 1996 , 1 : 191-195

– Complications of flexor tendon repair in the hand : MR Imaging Assessment.
J.L.Drapé , Silbermann-Hoffman , P.Houvet , Dubert T , A.Thivet , Z.Benmelha , B.Frot , J.Y.Alnot , R.Benacerraf
Radiology 1996 ; 198 : 219-224

– Rupture of the extensor mechanism associated with a closed phalangeal fracture .
Dubert T
J. Hand Surgery (B) . 1995 , 20 B: 6:806-808

– Stabilized arthroplasty of the 5th metacarpal bone. A therapeutic proposal for the treatment of old fractures luxations of the 5th metacarpal bone(in french)
Dubert  T
Ann. Chir. Main (Ann Hand Surg ) , 1994 , 13 , N°5, 363-365

– Acute trauma of the Extensor Hood of the Metacarpophalangeal joint : MR Imaging Evaluation. J.L. Drapé – Dubert T– O. Silbermann – Ph. Thelen – A. Thivet – R. Benacerraf.
Radiology , 1994 ; 192 , 469-476

– Epiphysio-diaphyseal unicondylar reduction osteotomy for the treatment of clinodactyly dueto proximal interphalangeal joint malunion(in french)
Alnot JY, Dubert T
Ann Chir Main Memb super (1993) 12 (3) : 165-72

– Free-flap coverage technique with double vascularbypassin the lower limb(in french)
A.C. Masquelet, Ph. Valenti, M.D.Destable, C.Moreau, A.Lamour, Dubert T.
Chirurgie (Mémoires de l’Académie), 1991, 117 (2)181-185.

– Partial replantation after traumatic proximal amputation. One case report of a one stagereconstruction with free osteo-cutaneous transfer from amputated limb.
Dubert T, C. Oberlin, J.Y.Alnot.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 1993 Mar;91(3):537-40.

– An unusual dislocation of the elbow: convergent dislocation(in french)
Dubert T, T Benkalfate. E.Enkaoua.
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique,1991, 77 (6) 435-437.

– Anatomy of the articular nerves of the wrist. Implications for wrist denervation techniques(in french).
Dubert T, C.Oberlin, J.Y.Alnot.
Annales de chirurgie de la main et du membre supérieur. 1990, Vol IX, N_1, 15-21.

– Skin expansion prostheses and their application outside of breast repair. Report of a series of fifty four cases(in french).
Baux S, Mimoun M, Kirsch JM, Dubert T, Zumer L.
Annales de chirurgie Plastique .1988- Vol. XXXIII,N_2, pp.159-162.

– The contribution of expanding cutaneous prostheses to the production of hair-covered flaps .Application to the Dufourmentel flap(in french)
Mimoun M, Baux S, Kirsch J.M, Zumer L, Dubert T.
Annales de chirurgie Plastique et Esthétiques . 1987. Vol. XXXII, N°4, 386-389